Rich Maloney | May 11, 2021

The Key to Becoming Injury Free with New Technology!

We all know that injuries take a devastating financial and emotional toll on athletes and their teams, but what is the true cost? In Australia, sport injury (both semi-professional and professional), costs the economy around $2 billion a year, which is on par with obesity, widely regarded as one of the nation’s biggest public health challenges. But the REAL cost of injury cannot be wholly monetised. Quite simply, it so often means the crucial difference between WINNING & LOSING!

For many athletes, when the pressure goes on, the mind starts to crack, and then the body follows suit. It’s usually a predictable and cyclical process, and it’s difficult to halt. If you’re feeling a lack of self-worth, low confidence, or are afraid of making mistakes, then the body will hear the constant negativity that’s flowing through your mind and shut down to pull you out of that extreme situation. Many athletes become trapped in their own minds and they can feel their excitement levels decreasing, which means they’re not playing on natural flow energy anymore. They are now playing from a place of fear, which drains their energy and gets them worried about the future or the past. This eliminates an athlete’s NOW factor, and they’re suddenly playing their sport whilst constantly thinking. They are not in the moment, and therefore they are out of flow.

The elite sports system today struggles to manage the mental health of their players. Many of our best athletes regularly break down, either mentally or physically, because of the level of pressure and expectation perceived from the media, the club, and the general public. This issue is by no means confined to sport either — we are facing a global crisis when it comes to mental health, and the rise in social media and its accompanying scrutiny, along with our fast-paced society, has no doubt contributed to this. Thankfully however, athletes (and the rest of us) no longer have to imagine a life where performing at their highest peak is a given and injury is no longer a concern. With the introduction and rapid evolution of new technology, this can now be a reality, achieved via the systematic use of a mind training personal development app which can be equivalent to athletes having a performance or mindfulness coach online and at their disposal 24/7.

When we see that a player’s performance is inconsistent and is continuously going up and down, it’s generally because there is no continuity of the mind – the excitement is wavering, the pressure is on and anxiety levels are cementing. A large percentage of elite athletes don’t have the mental capacity to consistently compete at peak levels. Their body may be strong and professionally managed, but their minds are not. They need a reliable process to recognize how to clean out their mental filters of everyday junk, get in flow with life, and become receptive to life’s bounty — which includes reaching and realizing their dreams and creating their own reality. Where your focus goes, your energy flows.

These are the 5 Key Areas where Athletes regularly break down:

– Not unconditionally excited

– Not 100% focussed

– Lacking self-worth

– Harbouring Repeating Fears

– Not listening to your Body – Fatigue

The most effective way of achieving and maintaining a quality mind and ridding ourselves of toxic and destructive thought patterns and beliefs is via frequent and consistent mental check-ins, where we can reflect, check ourselves and essentially ‘change the record’ playing in our heads whenever necessary. This applies to anyone who is struggling with the challenges of life, whether you’re an athlete, an executive, or a stay at home Mum. None of us are born with a propensity to struggle with stress, self-doubt and worry, however these learnt behaviours become ingrained in most of us over the years, and the best way to alter these thoughts and behaviours is via repetition.

When we can eliminate many of life’s perceived challenges through change of habit, we immediately reduce the likelihood and severity of injuries, illness and burnout. When you are fully plugged into the NOW and racing toward your highest excitement, anything is possible. You just need to get rid of the default programs clogging up your mind, let go of the past and release your fears for the future. Everything is neutral until you give it meaning, and far too often we are our own worst enemy, getting in our own way of success, fulfilment and happiness with limiting beliefs and worry. The body is led by the mind, and a strong, quality mind will enable you to handle the high pressure of elite sports (or life) and consistently reach the pinnacle of performance.

Habit formation occurs when we repeat an action consistently in the same context, until it becomes a healthy habit that comes naturally. Rapid developments in technology have encouraged the use of smartphone applications to promote strong and positive mental and physical health, and it allows everyone that has a phone to access a wealth of resources that make therapeutic techniques more accessible, portable and cost effective. The ideal mental health app would not only promote healthy, repetitive behaviours, but it would also provide access to real life quality mind mentors, should they be required.

Quality Mind Global
Quality Mind Global
127 Google reviews
Quality Mind Global
Quality Mind Global
127 Google reviews
Louise Sagmayao
Louise Sagmayao
There’s an immediate shift of mindset in the meeting. If we can only keep that pumped up state throughout the whole week up til the next meeting!
Dave Mildren
Dave Mildren
Geoff Fairhurst is an outstanding mentor who initiated and guided us on our journey through “thought shopping” and how to effectively change the neuro pathways using affirmations. I was in a hole, full of procrastination and depression. He has changed my habits and given me a new lease on life. 60 is the new 40😎
Jamie Miller
Jamie Miller
Nothing short of a complete life change for me Quality mind has given me the tools i needed to live in the now I have control of my anxiety Depression is a thing of the past Medication is gone gone gone I get up up happy every day with a new confidence in today with an amazing future Dream it live it
Profit First
Profit First
I’m 2 weeks into the program and can already see such a huge shift! Bruce my coach has been fantastic in helping the process. I can’t believe how much I was living in my child mind and I’m starting to notice it more and more and now have the tools within the app to help change my way of thinking into Master. Can’t wait to see how my growth continues
Ana Yuri De La Cruz Medina
Ana Yuri De La Cruz Medina
Estoy gratamente complacida por haber tomado la decisión de mejorar mi salud mental y emocional.
Martyn Alderson
Martyn Alderson
Quality Minds has changed my life, helping me overcome so many obstacles that I was unconsciously putting in my way. Bruce Wilson has guided me expertly to become a new version of myself.
Craig Bartlett
Craig Bartlett
The app is fantastic, it is a brilliant way to record how I am feeling, whether it be good bad or indifferent. It's design is made support your development everyday but like a warm coat in winter you will need to use it to get the benefit. It takes a few minutes a day to use it effectively. I use bubble popping to create dreams along with solving challenges. I thought shop to identify what is moving me towards my goals or causing blockages. I will also create tasks that need completing as well. I'll journal and when I do I focus on the feeling, the sounds, the smells. I am a better person when I use it. 10 thought shops 1 bubble 1 journal 1 meditation 10 to 15 minutes investment a day its a no brainer for me. 1 - If you are still reading download the app. 2 - contact a Mind Mentor mine is Leigh Stafford. It's an extremely powerful app.
Mariel L
Mariel L
Awesome experience.....with all the tools given to reach higher mind and self, high vibing mentor and crew and always ready and accessible app....nothing is impossible....Dream it, Live it!
Jen Wallace
Jen Wallace
This program has been life changing for our family. To be able to give ourselves and our children a concrete way to stop going down the rabbit holes of over thinking or worrying about the past and future, to work through meltdowns with the kids…there really are no words to describe what that has done for us. The meditations have helped me find my feet and remain centred, and there isn’t a night the kids don’t ask for one to fall asleep to. For the first time in a long time, the future looks bright and I’m excited to see what lies ahead with the rest of this program. Thank you for helping us thrive!