
Stress-Free: How to Thrive Under Pressure In Unprecedented Times

by Richard Maloney ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

As we slowly emerge from an unprecedented dark time, our world and our working lives have changed substantially.


Imagine a life in this new world where performing at your highest peak is a given, where you’ve moved to the next level in all aspects of your life, and you are living and evolving as your very best self.

This step by step self-coaching book will unlock your inner super-powers, resulting in the best work performance of your life, as well as increased happiness, health, wealth and thriving relationships. It’s a one stop shop to success and fulfillment, achieved through practical, actionable, proven mental training.

Start reading now to:
Unlock your ultimate capabilities while minimizing or eliminating stress
Get on top of overwhelm and anxiety
Unleash new levels of energy that you never thought possible
Release your inner fears and dissolve limiting beliefs
Discover and understand your Master mind and the extraordinary powers it holds
Enjoy the many real-life case studies from business leaders
Learn how to use the 5 star FREE Quality Mind app to maximise your results.
Stress-Free: How to Thrive Under Pressure in Unprecedented Times introduces you to our ultimate, world first, proven activation system, teaching you how to handle the high pressures of career and life, while consistently reaching the pinnacle of performance.

Stress-Free: How to Thrive Under Pressure In Unprecedented Times

by Richard Maloney ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Want to Take Your Game to The Next Level Without Injury of Fear?

Imagine a life where performing at your highest peak is a given, and injury is no longer a concern. Where you’ve moved to the next level in all aspects of your life, and you are living and evolving as your very best self.

Injury Free takes you on an epic and life changing journey through Richard Maloney’s ground-breaking ‘Quality Mind’ program, giving you the tools to alleviate injury and break the negative cycles and limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

This step by step self-coaching book and its principles will unlock your inner super-powers, resulting in the best sports performance of your life, as well as increased happiness, health, wealth and thriving relationships. It’s a one stop shop to success and fulfillment, achieved through practical, actionable, proven mental training.

Start reading now to:

Unlock your ultimate sports capability while minimizing or eliminating sports injuries and significantly increasing play time
Unleash new levels of energy and passion
Release your inner fears and dissolve limiting beliefs that are inhibiting your success
Discover and explore your higher mind and the extraordinary powers and abilities that it affords you once recognized
See many case studies from elite athletes who have experienced the program and its overwhelmingly positive outcomes, and are now reaping the rewards
Learn how to use the incredible, free Quality Mind app to maximize your results

Injury-Free: Mental Training for Elite Athletes introduces you to our ultimate, world first, proven activation system, teaching athletes, sports managers and coaches how to handle the high pressure of elite sports and consistently reach the pinnacle of performance, game after game.

The book also comes with free access to the ground-breaking and highly revered ‘Quality Mind’ Mobile Phone App. An absolute necessity for any athlete, coach, physiotherapist or manager wanting to enhance the performance and mindset of themselves or their people. It all starts with the mind, and the Quality Mind app is a proven game changer that achieves rapid and remarkable results - so let’s change your game today!

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What Our Clients Say

Suzzanne Laidlaw

“Quality Mind has been a great tool and friend as a daily reminder on the importance of looking after my number one asset. Our mind and body are our greatest asset, and if we want to have an extraordinary life, we need to have an extraordinary vehicle to navigate it with. We can’t have an extraordinary vehicle if we don’t respect and look after it like one. Same as everything in life, the more energy you put into something the more energy you get back.”

Martin Dench, Business Leader

“I was a chronic over-thinker and got stressed pretty quickly. In the past that could last 4-5 days. Now I have the tools to deal with it and get on with life. My interactions with my staff have been far more genuine, and I think when you have that people are really on your team.”

Scott Tucker, Business Owner

“I’ve done quite a few courses and formal training, and sometimes this has been hard to put into practice. Quality Mind uses progressive incremental changes which go a long way to making it stick.”

Phoebe Norman

“This was truly a transformational 6months & I’m so pleased & thankful I was given the opportunity to participate. I’ve learnt things I’ll carry on using for the rest of my life & I will pass down the teachings to my young children. Thank you!”

Jo Clark

“QM has been a game-changer for me in so many ways. I knew about the power of thoughts; however, I didn't recognise how much control they had over me with my limiting beliefs holding me back in all areas of my life. Since starting and now completing QM I have started to look after myself, financially, emotionally, mentally, and my health and my whole life has improved tenfold. I now have stronger and better relationships; I am thriving at work and loving life. The mirror reflections, forgiveness and setting my intentions for the day have completely transformed the way I live. I am excited now by life, and not dreading what I thought I couldn't control. With self-worth and self-love comes so much to be grateful for and for this, I can't thank Carol or QM enough.”

Nicola Bretherton

“Quality Mind has supported me in dreaming big, aiming high, moving past limiting beliefs and living my happiest and most authentic life!”

Carly Stevens

“QM has beyond any doubt been the most life changing gift I have ever given myself. To invest this time & energy seemed inconceivable to me just 6 months ago - about as inconceivable as it now feels to have lived my entire life without this amazing knowledge and understanding of self. It’s a cliché but it is almost impossible to describe in words all that this program has given me - a self-belief that I never knew was possible and such an intense understanding of the how’s and why’s of our human behaviors and reactions. I feel like I am living fully awake, walking into each day with a sense of peace, calm and excitement. It’s not that the day-to-day challenges of my life have changed - but my entire attitude & approach to them has. QM has given me the tools and in the best possible way, life will never be the same.”


“I am much calmer in work and so much happier with my home life. I now feel more engaged with my life and with everything that’s going on. It’s expanded my mind and it’s changed my life for the better.”


Now that I know I can create the person I want to be, there’s no limit to how far I can go.”


“My physical health and my mental health have improved by 90% from where I was. I used to be a catastrophic thinker, always thinking the worst and worrying about everything. Now I don’t worry. I’m more optimistic and level-headed, and I’m just a whole lot happier.”


“Since doing the program, all areas of my mental health have improved significantly, in particular my stress and anxiety levels. All of this has resulted in a happier and more comfortable life.”


“Fantastic! I’ve been involved in this work for over 20 years and I’ve never felt the energy I experienced through Quality Mind.”


“I can’t thank Rich and Quality Mind enough. After losing my world title, my confidence took a huge hit, I felt pretty down, and I knew I needed to get my head right. After doing the Quality Mind program, I went into my latest rematch in the best place I’ve ever been and feeling more confident than ever before.”


“The QM program completely awakened me to understand my true power. Totally transformational!”

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