What Is Our Life Transformative Coaching?

Life coaching with Quality Mind empowers you to clarify your life's direction and set meaningful, value-driven goals. Are you ready to clarify your life direction and set meaningful goals? Our innovative program helps you take control, enhance life satisfaction, and overcome barriers to change.

Our structured, professional, and supportive approach guides you to practical solutions, making the transformation process collaborative and inspiring. At Quality Mind, our coaches are trained in communication, education, counselling, psychology, and life coaching. They partner with you to work within your unique values, strengths, and beliefs, helping you set and achieve impactful goals.

Experience increased personal well-being, resilience, and optimism. With Quality Mind, you’ll develop the clarity and confidence to create the life you truly desire.

Transform Your Life with Quality Mind

Guaranteed satisfaction or your money back

Proven method reshaping hundreds of lives

Rapid results, no waiting for years

Mobile app for real-time brain reprogramming coaching

Quality Mind's Life Transformation Coaching Is For You, If

Life coaching can benefit anyone who is going through major life changes or looking to grow personally. If you are feeling stressed, unhappy at work, or socially unfulfilled, life coaching might be the perfect fit for you. It can also help you break bad habits or overcome creative blocks. With the help of a life coach, you can work through these challenges and find a path to a happier, more fulfilling life.

  • You're Ready to Transform Your Mindset for Success You have the power to transform your mindset for success and achieve the fulfilment and happiness you've always dreamed of. Take control and reprogram your brain to create the life you desire, without the need for extensive personal development efforts.
  • You Need Help Coping With Life's Changes Life coaching helps individuals navigate big life changes like career switches. If you're looking for sustainable change, it's time to harness the power of your brain's adaptability. Fast-track your way to your dream life and embrace the transformation that awaits you.
  • You Want To Enhance Your Personal Well-Being Incorporating life coaching into your routine can truly make a difference in your personal well-being. By boosting resilience, optimism, and overall personal satisfaction, you can pave the way for a more fulfilling and happy life.
  • You Want To Build Unshakeable Confidence You're in luck! Life coaches are amazing at boosting confidence and helping you reach your goals. Trust yourself and the process, because you've totally got this!
  • You Need Help Finding Motivation and Accountability Hiring a life coach can really help you find your inner motivation and stay accountable to your goals. When you're dedicated and maintain focus, there's no limit to what you can accomplish.

What Makes Quality Mind Different?

Reduces & Removes

  • Stress
  • Perfectionism
  • Anger
  • Insomnia
  • Depression
  • Procrastination
  • Anxiety
  • Toxic Relationships
  • Self Sabotage
  • Stuck in a Rut
  • Unhappiness
  • Unhealthiness
  • Financial Pain







  • Mental Health
  • Happiness
  • Wealth
  • Finding a Partner
  • Excitement Levels
  • Connection
  • Self Love
  • Abundance
  • Fitness
  • Leadership
  • Performance
  • Self Talk
  • Intuition

What Our Clients Say

I'm thoroughly enjoying the Quality Mind course. I've seen significant improvements in my mindset and productivity. Highly recommended for anyone seeking to enhance their mental well-being and personal growth.

F Kay

My Quality Mind journey came at a time in my life when I needed the guidance and support for a new way of living, of seeing things. Quality Mind helped me take control of my thoughts and emotions, and helped me create a new reality. I feel empowered, and powerful. I appreciate the lessons given by Rich and Edwin, and I love the insights and stories of the people in my crew. I look back at the past six months that we've been meeting weekly, and I can marvel at the progress I have made becoming a better version of myself. I am grateful for Quality Mind.

Rheea Prudente

Richard is inspirational, he brings complex subjects and keeps it simple, easy to understand, practical and actionable. My recent concluded programme has helped me to learn many concepts and improve few areas that needed attention. I would recommend anyone to be part of the programme so you can activate your dreams.


My Quality Mind journey has been phenomenal. Although the main course has finished and the reconnect sessions almost complete, the Quality Mind guidance and teachings continue to be part of my daily practice and to help me through tough times in my life. I recommend this journey to anyone. Thank you Adele Hartland, my mind mentor, for your amazing teaching and investment in our well being!! 💜💜

Susan Dey

Over the last 26 weeks, I have been on a roller coaster of emotions, but finishing now knowing I have the control to live a happy and fulfilled life, and it’s all controlled by how I’m thinking, feeling and acting from those thoughts. What doesn’t work can be changed because I can change it 🌟 thanks Rich & Quality Minds team

Nicole Goncalves

I’m 2 weeks into the program and can already see such a huge shift! Bruce my coach has been fantastic in helping the process.
I can’t believe how much I was living in my child mind and I’m starting to notice it more and more and now have the tools within the app to help change my way of thinking into Master. Can’t wait to see how my growth continues

Profit First

This program has been life changing for our family. To be able to give ourselves and our children a concrete way to stop going down the rabbit holes of over thinking or worrying about the past and future, to work through meltdowns with the kids…there really are no words to describe what that has done for us. The meditations have helped me find my feet and remain centred, and there isn’t a night the kids don’t ask for one to fall asleep to. For the first time in a long time, the future looks bright and I’m excited to see what lies ahead with the rest of this program. Thank you for helping us thrive!

Jen Wallace

I can’t speak highly enough of my Quality Mind experience. Engaged mentors and a supporting APP, which has it all to make your life changing journey seamless and constructive. I had lost the true connection with my inner self, my family and my goals. Now slowly but surely, piece by piece I’ve been able with the help of my mentor Leigh Stafford and Quality Mind, conquer my many limiting beliefs and look deep inside to make the important changes to live with a quality mind. Onwards and upwards with Quality Mind!

josh rodder

Love my time with Quality Mind Global. It's helped improve my life immensely!

Hayden Burt

Quality Mind worked for me almost immediately.. The standard chitter chatter that used to evolve in my brain, from the tiniest little things, into something major - have literally gone! I can't believe the life I allowed myself to live when it wasn't even there. It's amazing how our minds can work - I now feel released! The tools we are given are so easy and they really do work! Thanks SO much Rich and Kirrilee and also the amazing crew that grew with me along the way - what a journey!

Erin Powell

Quality Mind isn’t just a programme, it is a way of life! It has and continues to be life changing, not only for me, but also for my friends, family and clients. Powerful tools that you learn, apply and integrate into your life. It has helped me find and overcome limiting beliefs that were holding me back from truly living the life of my dreams. I am now excited for everyday because I know see and feel every moment as a gift and one step further in fulfilling both my purpose and potential.

Adele Hartland

Bruce Wilson is an amazing mentor who serves as our guide in our quest to create the best new version of ourselves. I highly recommend Quality Mind as a format to a new awareness of yourself and your potential and Bruce Wilson as a wise and skilled mentor. In addition to a powerful format and a great guide in Bruce, the group dynamics of the “crew” built on trust and openness to vulnerability is an amazing experience. The group becomes a family that is supportive and loving.

Barbra Bryan

I found Quality Mind at the right time in my life and it really helped me to gain greater awareness personal awareness and get clarity around my real purpose and vision for my life. My Mind Mentor Nat was great to work with and had wonderful examples and applications of the program that Nat had seen in her experience as a Mind Mentor. Completing the Quality Mind program was a real pivot point in my life and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to have done it and taken away so many amazing learnings and tools that I still use to this day.


I can highly recommend the Quality Mind program! I am a professional boxer and I started working with Richard heading into my last fight which was for the World Title. I found the Quality Mind program so beneficial and I stepped into the ring with a level of self belief and focus that I have never felt before! Richard is a champion bloke who really cares for his clients and achieves great results.

Jason Moloney

I have been doing quality mind for 5 months now. It has been a great experience and I have grown within myself so much. Quality Mind gives you the tools to deal with overwhelm and Limiting Beliefs. I can say 5 months in by using the tools I have given I can workout the gift and blessings in situations that I used to find annoying. I heal my self, and change my thinking creating better relationships in my life, feeling fulfilled and happy. Trusha is my Quality Mind Mentor and she is amazing. I recommended this programme to anyone who wants to improve them selfs, there life’s and what they attract.

Kieron Edwards

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Become the Best Version of You!

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TRACK GROWTH WITH OUR Life Potential Scorecard

Fill Out The Survey

9 questions to uncover your strengths and challenges in mind, body, and soul.

Monitor Growth

Fill out the survey before, mid and after the program.

Striving For

Our programs align body, mind, and soul for increased passion, energy, and confidence.

Our Coaching Program Includes

  • Custom Client Mobile Phone App
  • Secure Coach Backend Dashboard
  • Incorporates Advanced Neuroscience Techniques
  • Free Transform Program Class
  • Real-Time Coaching and Monitoring

Embark On A Transformational Journey

We are excited to offer our comprehensive 12-week program at Quality Mind Global, which includes weekly one-hour sessions, access to the Quality Mind App, and a variety of transformative tools.

Each session is specifically designed to help you master your mind, conquer limiting beliefs, and improve your relationships. This structured approach guarantees swift and lasting personal and professional growth. So, why wait? Join us now and start on your journey to a better you!

Get Your FREE Life Scorecard and Start Your Journey to Success

Don't miss out on signing up for a free assessment and life scorecard today! Gather insights into your strengths and areas for growth. Take the first step towards a more fulfilling future. Schedule a complimentary discovery call to discuss your goals and see how our coaching can transform your life. Start your journey to success now!

Unleash Your Dream Reality Through Brain Reprogramming

Quality Mind's coaching process is designed to empower you from the very beginning. In the first week, we focus on establishing a solid foundation and overcoming any obstacles using our interactive app. Over 12 weeks, you will learn neuroscience-backed techniques and receive personalised strategies to reshape your mindset for long-lasting transformation. With regular assessments and a supportive community, you can be sure of continuous progress and achievement.

Book free session

Bid farewell to the conventional, time-consuming personal development approaches. Our method is a dynamic shift towards achieving your goals in record time. By harnessing the incredible potential of brain reprogramming, we guide you through a streamlined process that propels you towards success and personal growth with unwavering efficiency.


While therapy plays a vital role, our approach transcends its limitations. You don't have to commit to extensive therapy sessions. Instead, we empower you to take control of your transformation. By tapping into proven brain reprogramming techniques, we help you break through barriers and pave your own path to lasting change.


Why wait for years to experience change when you can start now? Our method is designed to catalyze rapid, sustainable transformation. It's about tapping into the brain's incredible adaptability. By reprogramming neural pathways, you can fast-track your journey to your dream life, achieving what you desire sooner than you ever imagined.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are confident that if you fully commit to the coaching process, consistently take action, and put in the effort, you will see amazing results. Our techniques are specifically designed to help you achieve your goals, and we will be there to support you every step of the way. And remember, if you're not satisfied with your progress, we offer a money-back guarantee.

Rest assured, your privacy is our top priority. We promise to respect your privacy and never share your information without your permission. Your feedback will be kept confidential unless you choose otherwise.

The Quality Mind program is a 12-week comprehensive approach to personal transformation. It starts by exploring barriers to self-improvement and learning the six stages of thought. Learn how to align body, mind, and soul, master self-control, deepen self-connection, and overcome limiting beliefs using advanced technology and strategies. You have the power within you to achieve greatness.

While counselling delves into past issues and understanding emotions and behaviours, life coaching is all about looking forward and working towards personal growth and achieving goals. Don't let past labels or limitations hold you back!

Teaching imparts knowledge and skills, but life coaching takes it a step further by offering tools, support, and guidance to help you apply that knowledge in a meaningful way. It's all about using what you learn in real-life scenarios to create lasting changes and empower yourself. Keep going; you've got this!

At Quality Mind, brain reprogramming empowers participants to overcome procrastination, overwhelm, and burnout, all while achieving their desired life within just 12 weeks. This transformative method focuses on cultivating new mental habits and identities swiftly, ensuring sustainable personal growth and lasting change.

Quality Mind integrates neuroscience principles to show that dedicating just 7 to 30 minutes daily can effectively detoxify and strengthen the mind. This approach underscores the importance of aligning body, mind, and soul for a fulfilling life, offering practical techniques accessible through our user-friendly app.

Quality Mind provides structured support for navigating significant life transitions like career changes or personal crises. Our coaching empowers individuals to cultivate a growth mindset, effectively manage stress, and align their actions with core values. This holistic approach ensures smoother transitions and fosters personal fulfilment.

Self-awareness is pivotal in our programs at Quality Mind, enabling participants to gain insights into and overcome limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and identity issues. Through personalised coaching and advanced technology, individuals learn to reprogram their unconscious mind, building resilience and achieving their personal goals effectively.

Ready to Become
the Best Version of

Contact us today for your FREE Discovery Call and become one step closer to improved Happiness, Health, Wealth & Success!


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