Rich Maloney | August 15, 2023

Struggling to make decisions? Learn how to enhance your decision making skills in life

At a glance

  • The skill of decision making is one of the most crucial skills we can develop to alter our reality.
  • The struggle is not just about making big, bold, scary decisions but also in making those micro decisions that impact the bigger picture.
  • Gathering adequate information, seeking advice, embracing mistakes and failures and cultivating your intuition can be some powerful ways to change the way you make decisions.


In the intricate tapestry of life, decision making forms the very fabric that shapes our reality. Every day, we are confronted with choices, ranging from the simplest matters to more complex issues, yet the ability to make decisions is not always as straightforward a process. Many individuals find themselves grappling with indecisiveness, leading them to question why they struggle to make choices. This article delves into this common challenge, unravelling the factors that contribute to indecisiveness and offering practical strategies to enhance decision making skills across various aspects of life. By gaining insights into the roots of indecision and learning actionable approaches, you can navigate life’s crossroads with confidence and purpose.


Understanding the Struggle


Why Am I Struggling to Make Decisions?

Indecisiveness can stem from a variety of sources, each unique to the individual. The fear of making the wrong choice, the desire to avoid negative consequences, or feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of options can all contribute to the struggle. Additionally, external pressures and societal expectations can create a sense of uncertainty and hinder the decision making process.

Cognitive biases can creep in, thus depriving us of the objectivity and the courage we need to make bold decisions.

While working with a life coach, most people report this underlying fear of making mistakes as the root cause of inaction and procrastination.


The Negative Impact of Indecisiveness

Struggling to make decisions can have a ripple effect on various aspects of life. Personally, it can lead to feelings of frustration, anxiety, and stagnation. Professionally, indecisiveness can hinder progress, preventing you from seizing opportunities and achieving your goals. Over time, chronic indecisiveness can erode self-confidence and hinder personal growth.


The Importance of Informed Choices


Why Informed Decision Making Matters

In a world of information overload, making informed choices has never been more critical. An informed decision takes into account all available information, potential risks, and desired outcomes. It enables you to align your choices with your goals and values, leading to more fulfilling and purpose driven actions.


Gathering Relevant Information

One key to enhancing decision making skills is ensuring you have the necessary information at your disposal. Research the options, weigh the pros and cons, and consider the potential consequences of each choice. This process equips you with a comprehensive understanding of the situation, enabling you to make choices based on facts rather than assumptions.


Assessing Potential Risks

All decisions come with some degree of risk. By evaluating the potential risks associated with each choice, you can make calculated decisions. This assessment empowers you to anticipate challenges and develop contingency plans, increasing your confidence in your chosen path.


Seeking Advice When Needed

Decisions don’t have to be made in isolation. Seeking advice from trusted friends, family members, or mentors can provide valuable perspectives that you may not have considered. While the ultimate choice remains yours, external input can shed light on aspects you might have overlooked.


Trusting Your Intuition

Decision making is like any other skill in that you develop a feeling about it once we do it often. That’s not to say that you won’t make mistakes, but you’ll be braver in accepting the consequences. And that’s where intuition comes in. While it’s important to gather information and weigh options, listening to your intuition can provide valuable insights that logic alone might miss. Your intuition draws from your past experiences and inner wisdom, guiding you towards choices that resonate with your authentic self.


Empowering Your Decision Making Skills


Practice Makes Perfect

Enhancing decision making skills requires consistent and intentional practice. Start by creating an environment conducive to thoughtful contemplation. Dedicate time to engage in decision making exercises that challenge your analytical and critical thinking abilities. These exercises can range from evaluating hypothetical scenarios to role playing real life situations. By actively engaging in these practices, you gradually refine your decision making processes, making them more efficient and effective.


Embrace Imperfection

One of the greatest barriers to confident decision making is the pursuit of perfection. It’s crucial to recognise that no decision can account for every variable and outcome. Embracing imperfection frees you from the paralysing fear of making a wrong choice. Instead of striving for an unattainable ideal, focus on making well informed decisions based on available information and thoughtful analysis. This shift in mindset empowers you to take ownership of your choices, regardless of their eventual outcomes.


Learn from Experience

Every decision, whether successful or not, provides an opportunity for growth and learning. Reflect on past choices and their consequences. What worked well? What could have been done differently? This retrospective analysis not only enhances your understanding of your decision making tendencies but also equips you with insights that inform future choices. Embrace your experiences as valuable lessons that contribute to your ongoing development as a skilled decision maker.


Set Clear Goals

A strong sense of purpose is instrumental in effective decision making. By establishing clear goals and objectives, you create a framework against which to evaluate potential choices. When faced with a decision, assess how each option aligns with your goals. This assessment not only streamlines the decision making process but also reduces the likelihood of making choices that are incongruent with your long-term aspirations.


Amplify your Decision Making

For individuals seeking to amplify their decision making abilities, the guidance of a life coach in Australia can be invaluable. A life coach provides tailored support, leveraging their expertise to guide you through the decision making process. Through personalised strategies, they assist you in identifying your strengths, addressing your challenges, and ultimately making choices that resonate with your personal and professional aspirations. A life coach serves as both a mentor and a confidant, empowering you to unlock your full decision making potential. At Quality Mind Global, we’re here to help you achieve a facilitative mindset in order to decide a better and a successful, fulfilling life.




The struggle of making good decisions is a universal experience, but it’s one that can be transformed into an opportunity for growth. By delving into the factors that contribute to indecisiveness and implementing actionable strategies, you can transcend uncertainty and navigate choices with clarity and confidence. Informed decisions, the acceptance of imperfection, and the wisdom gained from experiences are pivotal in honing your decision making process. Remember, the journey towards becoming a proficient decision maker is an ongoing expedition marked by self-discovery and the empowerment to shape your path. Quality Mind Global is dedicated to assisting you in cultivating a healthier mindset and achieving a more successful and fulfilling life.

To gain a deeper understanding of Quality Mind Global and the ways our coaching programs can contribute to your well-being, feel free to reach out. Begin your journey towards making better decisions.

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