Rich Maloney | December 8, 2023

How can you ‘heal’ your mind after going through a traumatic event?

At a glance

  • Explore the transformative Quality Mind Global (QMG) method, a radical way of changing your brain through repetition and guidance.
  • Personal development is passe. It’s time to embrace personal activation. Find personalised guidance to initiate a transformative journey towards a ‘five-star life.’


Experiencing a traumatic event can have a profound impact on your mental well-being, leaving limiting beliefs with you and hindering personal growth. In this detailed guide, we will explore how to deal with trauma, emphasising the transformative approach provided by the Quality Mind Global (QMG) method.

Throughout this comprehensive blog, we aim to provide actionable steps, profound insights, and an in-depth understanding of the role of brain reprogramming in overcoming trauma.


Understanding Trauma and Its Impact


Trauma is not just an event; it’s an experience that can echo through time, affecting your mental health, emotions, and daily functioning. It’s essential to comprehend the nature of trauma and its impact on the brain to recover from the effects of trauma. Understanding how negative thought patterns and behavioural changes emerge and linger post-trauma is the foundational step towards reclaiming mental well-being.

The aftermath of trauma often involves a complex interplay of emotions, such as fear, anxiety, and even guilt. These emotional responses can manifest as persistent thoughts, nightmares, or heightened startle responses. Recognising these signs is crucial in navigating the path to healing.


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The QMG Method: Reprogramming for Rapid Healing


Core Principles of QM Personal Activation Method.


1. Brain Reprogramming:

The revolutionary concept of brain reprogramming is at the heart of the QMG method. This involves a profound transformation of neural pathways, reshaping how the mind responds to stimuli. You can foster positive behavioural change and a reshaping of thought patterns, and overall mindset by altering existing connections and creating new ones.

The firing of neurotransmitters and formation of new neural networks forms the basis of this reprogramming. Understanding how the brain processes information and forms habits provides a roadmap for those seeking to heal from the effects of trauma. Our 15-minute free masterclass will show you the incredible results some of our members have achieved.


2. Rapid Identity Transformation:

One of the distinguishing features of the QMG method is its emphasis on rapid identity transformation. In a relatively short period, typically within 21 days, individuals can reshape their self-perception and behaviour.

This accelerated shift in identity forms a cornerstone of the method’s effectiveness.

The concept of identity goes beyond mere self-image; it encompasses how you perceive your role in the world, relationships, and growth potential. Rapid transformation in this realm involves consciously steering one’s thoughts and actions towards a positive, empowering identity.


3. Personal Activation:

The method incorporates Personal Activation, a powerful practice requiring 7 to 30 minutes daily. These exercises serve as a detox for the brain, eliminating negative habits and traumas. Personal Activation is a proactive step towards rebuilding mental pathways for a healthier mindset.

Daily rituals and practices are part of the QMG method. Whether through meditation, affirmations, or specific exercises designed to activate neural circuits, you can deliberately purge negativity and foster mental resilience.


4. Leveraging Neuroplasticity:

Grounded in neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to change and adapt, the QMG method facilitates quicker and more effective personal development. You can create new neural connections supporting your healing journey by understanding and harnessing this innate capacity.

Neuroplasticity is not a one-size-fits-all phenomenon; it requires targeted efforts to redirect neural pathways. The QMG method offers specific strategies to leverage neuroplasticity, allowing you to actively participate in reshaping your minds.


5. Technology-aided Mind Reprogramming:

Modern technology plays a crucial role in aiding the reprogramming of the unconscious mind in the QMG method. This involves strategically using tools and techniques that enhance the brain’s receptivity to new information, accelerating the transformation process.

The synergy between technology and psychology is at the heart of this principle. Whether through guided audio sessions, visual stimuli, or interactive exercises, the QMG method embraces cutting-edge approaches to make reprogramming more accessible and practical.


QMG Method – Personal Activation



The journey begins with a comprehensive self-evaluation. Understanding current mental patterns, behaviours, and life circumstances lays the groundwork for effective transformation.
The evaluation phase involves introspection and, in some cases, professional guidance to uncover deep-seated beliefs and thought patterns. Assessments and reflective exercises are employed to create a clear starting point.



Participants undergo training focusing on developing new cognitive skills and mental strategies for personal growth. This training forms the educational foundation for the subsequent steps.
The training aspect is not passive; it involves active engagement with new ideas and concepts. Workshops, online courses, and educational materials serve as resources to equip you with the knowledge necessary for transformative change.



Detoxifying the mind from negative thoughts, beliefs, and habits is pivotal. This cleaning process involves addressing and overcoming the mental clutter that hinders personal development.
Cleaning is not just about eliminating harmful elements; it’s about creating mental space for new, positive patterns to emerge. Techniques such as journaling, mindfulness practices, and targeted interventions address the roots of negative thinking.



Envisioning one’s ideal life and setting clear, achievable goals are essential. This step involves tapping into the power of visualisation to shape the desired future. Dreaming is not a passive exercise; it’s an active engagement with one’s aspirations. Through vision boards, goal-setting exercises, or guided visualisations, you articulate your dreams and set the stage for manifestation.



The final step is the application of the principles and techniques learned in everyday life. Manifesting the desired changes and achieving a ‘five-star life’ is the ultimate goal of the QMG method. Living is the culmination of the process—a dynamic integration of reprogrammed thoughts and behaviours into real-life situations. The emphasis is on practical application and continuous refinement as you navigate your transformed life.


heal your mind after tarumatic event


Practical Steps to Heal Your Mind After Trauma


Beyond the structured framework of the QMG method, there are actionable steps that you can take to initiate the healing process.


1. Mindfulness and Meditation

Integrating mindfulness practices can serve as a powerful tool for staying present, easing anxiety, and contributing to neuroplasticity. When practised regularly, mindful meditation has been shown to affect mental well-being positively.

Mindfulness is more than a relaxation technique; it’s a way of being present in every moment. Mindfulness breathing, body scans, and loving-kindness meditation cultivate a heightened awareness of thoughts and emotions.


2. Therapeutic Techniques

Engaging in therapeutic techniques is a vital component of the healing journey. Approaches like Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) are proven methods for addressing negative thought patterns and processing trauma.

Therapeutic techniques provide structured avenues for exploring and reframing traumatic experiences. Collaborating with a qualified therapist offers a supportive space to navigate emotions, challenge distorted beliefs, and develop coping mechanisms.


3. Physical Exercise

Prioritising regular physical exercise is crucial for holistic well-being. Exercise releases endorphins, acting as natural mood enhancers and enhancing cognitive function. The mind-body connection established through exercise is integral to the healing process.

Exercise is not solely a means of improving physical health; it directly influences mental and emotional well-being. Jogging, yoga, or strength training reduces stress and fosters a positive mindset.


4. Healthy Connections

Cultivating supportive relationships plays a pivotal role in healing after trauma. Meaningful connections provide emotional support, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. The positive impact of healthy connections on mental well-being cannot be overstated.

Building and maintaining healthy relationships requires intentional efforts. Effective communication, empathy, and mutual respect form the foundation of supportive connections. Social support acts as a buffer against the adverse effects of trauma.


The Role of a Life Coach in Your Healing Journey


Connect with a life coach in Australia to receive personalised guidance and support tailored to your unique healing journey. Life coaches play a crucial role in applying the QMG method effectively and providing ongoing encouragement. Their expertise helps you navigate challenges, set realistic goals, and stay accountable to the transformative process.


1. Personalised Guidance

Life coaches offer you support, recognising that each person’s healing journey is unique. They delve into specific challenges through one-on-one sessions, providing tailored strategies for reprogramming the mind and overcoming obstacles.


2. Goal Setting and Accountability

Setting and achieving meaningful goals is a core aspect of the healing journey. Life coaches work collaboratively with you to establish realistic and motivating objectives. They provide the accountability needed to stay on track and celebrate progress.




By combining structured approaches with personal initiatives, individuals can take the first step towards reclaiming their mental well-being and achieving a life that align with their values.

For those eager to delve deeper into the transformative QMG method, consider exploring the 15-Minute Masterclass here. Connect with a life coach in Australia to embark on a personalised journey of healing and transformation. Your unique path to transformation begins now.

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