
What is Confidence Coaching?

As a result of a lack of self-esteem, shyness, limiting beliefs and fear of failure, people can be low on confidence. Confidence coaching helps you develop and boost confidence in such a way that you feel more empowered and responsible towards your daily endeavours. A confidence coach helps his/her clients overcome the fears and doubts that are preventing them from achieving their full potential. Confidence in one's abilities, skills, and behaviour are known as self-belief. If you have a high degree of self-confidence, you may be able to comprehend new concepts quickly and confidently accomplish activities to the best of your ability.

A confidence coach helps you go out of your comfort zone and reach your goals. A confidence life coach must have patience and assist their clients get out of their comfort zone, promoting their sense of self and activating a better version of themselves.

Who can benefit from Confidence Coaching?

There are a variety of reasons one might be going through that drives them to look for guidance from a supporting network such as a confidence coach:

  • They are over settling for mediocrity and want the self-assurance to explore and experience new things in life.
  • They are aspiring leaders that are eager to improve their skills and presentation.
  • They understand the importance of them to have the confidence to approach strangers and start relationships.
  • They don't want their life to be ruled by constant fear.
  • There is a fear of public speaking that prevents them from life’s opportunities.
  • They suffer from poor self-esteem and seek to regain their self-confidence.
  • They’re hesitant in social or corporate situations that impact their output in life.

Confidence Coaching is for you if:

Self-doubt, poor self-esteem, negative thoughts, and paralysing indecision are all symptoms of a lack of confidence. Developing on your self-confidence is an integral part of these sessions, leading you to a brighter opening in your life filled with positivity and optimism; discarding you from your previous thoughts of low self-esteem. This is a belief in both yourself and the coaching process. Confidence coaches help their clients achieve great things in their life by instilling optimism, confidence and enthusiasm for everything they take on in life.

Our Coaching Details

Quality Mind's confidence coaching is available to you at any time, just book in a discovery call to find out your next steps. To ask about any of our coaching programs, please contact Quality Mind by phone or email. Different coaching programs can be discussed and integrated in our initial discovery session. Our coaching programs begin as soon as you enrol, and our ultimate goal is to help you become a better version of yourself, bringing noticeable changes into your life by course completion. Your confidence coach will interact mostly via Live Zoom sessions, which will be held regularly until the end of your program. If you'd like your mentor to focus more on you at a strictly personal level, you can start our one-on-one programs. Alternatively, if you’re happy to work with others in the same position as you, we offer group coaching sessions, where you collaboratively assist in each other’s group and development on your personal journey. Contact us today to make an appointment for whichever program suits you best.


Every new customer goes through an initial orientation in our Discovery Call. From here, we speak with you in our Strategy session. Once we get a clearer idea of your specifics requirements and goals, we’ll get you in a crew with your coach. As you work with your coaches, you form a close relationship with them and your crew. During the course we discover what’s holding you back and how it’s impacting you. With the help of your coach, you will be able to identify these obstacles, and transform your way of thinking to find a more tangible response to assist in your personal activation.


It is our goal to make our coaching packages as customizable and feasible as possible so that we can assist a greater demographic of people. We provide programs that last anywhere from day sessions to a year. However, our most popular courses are our 10 week, 3 month and 6 month programs. If you are concerned about building your confidence and excelling in major aspects in life, our longer programs may be a better fit for you.


Quality Mind’s confidence counselling courses are priced according to their length and tenure. They also vary depending on your circumstances and preferences. If you have any queries about the costs of our coaching, kindly contact us via a discovery call to discuss your options today.


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Benefits of Quality Mind's Confidence Coaching

For a happy and fulfilled life, self-confidence is essential. With poor self-esteem, you are likely to experience apathy or the tendency to repeat mistakes repeatedly in your mind which feeds anxiety. Through confidence coaching, you'll be able to escape the pattern of overthinking and calm your inner. Understanding the benefits of self-confidence is a crucial step in achieving your own best self.

  1. Experience less fear and anxiety:

You'll be more motivated to accomplish your goals by talking through your challenges with an experienced coach. As you gain confidence, you'll be more willing to try new things and explore your new horizons.

  1. Increase your motivation:

Being more self-assured does not guarantee you will not experience setbacks. However, this is the drive our coaches work with you on to stimulate motivation and encourage action. In the end, you'll realise your potential is within reach. In our programs you’ll learn and develop through our engaging activities and processes.

  1. You’ll have more resilience:

When you have greater self-confidence, you are less focused on yourself and you are able to avoid comparing yourself with the people around you. A self-confident individual understands others do not focus on them but rather on their desires and needs. As a result, you’ll become more resilient with yourself, your responses, and people around you.

The Quality Mind Difference

Custom Client Mobile Phone App:

5-star reviewed Mobile app to help activate the end users brain change reprogramming with daily repetition. A free version is available for the public and the Premium version is for the Coach's clients

Custom Coach Backend App Dashboard:

A secure backend app dashboard was created to help the coaches monitor the client's daily routines and patterns and to also coach them real-time if need be

A Step-by-Step Personal Activation System incorporating:

Neuroscience Positive Psychology, HeartMath Institute, Practices of Ancient Philosophies and Neuro Linguistic Programming

Our Coaches Guarantee Results

It's one thing to say that our coaches guarantee results. It's another thing to be validated by 100+ 5-star Google reviews. Using our sophisticated technology and world-class programs, our coaches deliver tangible improvements that end up creating a better you.

Other Life Coaching Programs

There are several distinctions of life coaching programs, each designed to improve a specific area of your life.

Family Life




Mental Health

Life Skills

Stress Management


Personal Development

Professional Development Coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

A coach who can identify people who lack self-confidence and desire to enhance their self-image. Confidence coaches are therapists, mentors, and advisors combined. A good confidence coach assists you in figuring out the major causes behind your low self-esteem and other related problems that may be impacting your self-confidence. Through our sessions, they help you identify how to deal with your inefficiencies in life, developing on key tools & skills provided to you to make the future you, a better you.

Confidence is frequently said to be built on a foundation of self-trust. In order to help develop a confident demeanour around others, confidence coaches are responsible for instilling years of experience in you so you can be comfortable and confident in your own shoes. 

You don’t need a college degree to work as a confidence coach. Instead, enrol in an ICF-accredited program and earn an ICF-accredited certification. With this, you can commence your coaching program with Quality Mind. Before you begin working as a confidence coach with Quality Mind, you must have a mentor coach and a set number of hours of training.

As a confidence coach, you must be certified by the International Coaching Federation.

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