
What is Career Coaching?

Every working-class individual, even those making good money, are not necessarily happy with their jobs or work life. Everyone knows a fulfilling job is the core to career growth and fulfilling life, and job satisfaction is the essence of a good career tag. So finding a job that resonates with individual interests, personal boundaries, and norms can be difficult for many. But it is not unachievable.

Career coaching is a way of helping individuals working in any sector to connect with their jobs properly. Another way of looking at career coaching is helping working individuals find a professional direction that can evoke a sense of fulfilment in their work life. For this very purpose, Quality Mind has trained and educated individuals from different sectors of life to work as mind mentors. Quality Mind, partnered with ICF, is helping individuals from various countries to enjoy and make the best of their work-life through its highly qualified and experienced career coaches.

Who can benefit from Career Coaching?

Deciding on what to do in life and how to live a life of choosing is on everyone's mind. With a job that can fulfil both emotional and financial satisfaction, one lives a good life.

While a population of employees is trying for more suitable career options, the rest is trying to blend in more. This was the story of the global job market even in the pre-COVID era; however, the pandemic just exacerbated the case - making it increasingly difficult for individuals to find satisfaction and stay motivated at work. Growing in a job requires excess care and effort and career coaching can help better understand a proper career path for you which could help achieve career fulfilment in you.

The global job market is rapidly changing with the shift to digital developments, especially in developed nations like Australia. Anyone can develop a roadmap towards career fulfilment through career coaching; whether you work for a large company or a start-up, job satisfaction is vital for your well-being.

Career Coaching is for you if:

⦁ You lack job satisfaction

⦁ You want to explore suitable career options for you

⦁ You want to analyse your professional situation from a broader perspective

⦁ You want career guidance from experts

Our Coaching Details

Experienced, Quality Mind certified Mind Mentors lead Quality Mind's Career Coaching programs. These programs are designed to cover a wide range of working-class individuals from executive level to intermediate and entry-level. Each Quality Mind career coaching program is broken into coaching sessions of similar duration to better understand individuals' career paths and career opportunities.


Quality Mind Career Coaching programs are run online on a weekly basis using video conferencing apps. Throughout your program, you will have access to Quality Mind free app, which has all the information you need for your career coaching sessions.


The duration of your sessions depends on the program you choose. Quality Mind offers different career coaching programs for both Australian and foreign clients ranging from teen weeks to three months, six months, and one year.


Career coaching programs have the sole purpose of achieving a fulfilling career. If you need professional guidance to excel as a professional and grow in your job, feel free to inquire about Quality Mind’s Career Coaching fee structure today.

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Benefits of Quality Mind's Career Coaching

Quality Mind's Career Coaching program was created with the vision of helping every working-class individual to maximise their potential for success in life and work. Quality Mind's Personal Activation System has succeeded in helping both the initiated and the non-initiated become more productive and proactive in work-life, leading to a more fulfilling life. With the help of an amazing team of mind mentors working across continents, Quality Mind has been able to shape the lives of hundreds of individuals.

As the world's number one mental well-being training and licensing company, Quality Mind provides its clients with universally accessible and affordable solution-based programs. Quality Mind’s Career Coaching program is a statement for improved job satisfaction and work-life balance built from hundreds of our satisfied clients in the past. If you wonder how our career coaching programs might help you to excel in your career, here's how:

  • Helps in formulating realistic life goals for you
  • Helps develop action plans to become more productive at work
  • Heps you to analyse your professional situation and overcome your limiting factors
  • Helps build self-confidence to take on challenges and explore better career opportunities
  • Instils motivation to step out of comfort zone and pursue a career of fulfilling and choosing

The Quality Mind Difference

Custom Client Mobile Phone App:

5-star reviewed Mobile app to help activate the end users brain change reprogramming with daily repetition. A free version is available for the public and the Premium version is for the Coach's clients

Custom Coach Backend App Dashboard:

A secure backend app dashboard was created to help the coaches monitor the client's daily routines and patterns and to also coach them real-time if need be

A Step-by-Step Personal Activation System incorporating:

Neuroscience Positive Psychology, HeartMath Institute, Practices of Ancient Philosophies and Neuro Linguistic Programming

Our Coaches Guarantee Results

It's one thing to say that our coaches guarantee results. It's another thing to be validated by 100+ 5-star Google reviews. Using our sophisticated technology and world-class programs, our coaches deliver tangible improvements that end up creating a better you.

Other Life Coaching Programs

There are several distinctions of life coaching programs, each designed to improve a specific area of your life.




Mental Health

Family Life

Life Skills

Stress Management


Personal Development

Professional Development Coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

A career coach is a certified mind mentor who works with clients from different distinctions of life to help the latter achieve a proper professional direction. A career coach will analyse your performance to date and help you grow in your job.

Increased work pressure and inadequate job titles have increased sloppiness and unproductivity. Getting career coaching can help motivate such individuals to focus their energy at work or explore more suitable career options.

Quality Mind runs online career coaching programs in Australia and abroad. Details of upcoming Quality Mind Career Coaching programs will be available on the official website of Quality Mind.

To become a career coach in Australia, you need accreditation from a wellbeing training and licensing company like Quality Mind. Then you have to muster a few years of working experience under a career coach before finally working as one.

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