Stephen Fries

L1 Licenced Mind Mentor, Victoria, Australia

Stephen has always asked why is it like this and not that. That would be better easier and fast. He has spent his life working smarter and not harder, yet he works hard but for less time than others on the same or similar tasks. Very early he realised that you are where you are in life right now due to self-talk and emotional and physical experience you gained throughout your life to this time. This will continue unless you change your mindset which in turn will change your reality.


Property development is in his blood since 19yrs of age and has so far built with his own hands single-handed 8 homes 3 of which he and his family lived in. Having had his own consultancy since 1992 he has slowly moved into a single man operation and now project manages property development from sourcing property to planning and completion of the build for clients all around the country who have money and no time to do it themselves. He is an entrepreneur.


At the age of 10 he built his first boat (thanks to growing up in a home with a workshop with every tool imaginable) he continued to design and build boats throughout his life paying for this with a part-time job since the age of 10. He has been able to sail his boats and other off-the-shelf boats in Victorian, Australian, and World championships ever since. Traveling throughout Europe, England, USA NZ, and around Australia many times.

Giving Back:

Stephen has overcome many obstacles Professionally, physically emotionally, and financially using only the power of his mind and self-belief. Having developed a unique perspective and program to attaining a cast iron will and belief of self and path to an ultimate life, he wishes to push this to others willing and needing to do the same. He has been looking for a coaching system for a while to start this endeavour. He found Quality Mind Global and found a unique system and style he was happy to through himself into his outreach to coach globally. Together with Quality Mind Global and his own program mind-re-set he hopes to help a million people within 5 years.

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1300 765 433